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Please register beforehand because group size is kept small (12 participants max) so space can be an issue. Cancel your reservation as early as possible if you can't make it to make the spot availbale to someone else. To do that simply follow the link that was followed by mail.

Wed 5:00 to 8:30pm Prenatal Flow

Wed 7:00 to 8:30pm Evening Flow

Thursday 4:00 to 5:15pm Cosy Flow

For additional classes, workshops and events please check the schedule.

Flatraters, 5-time and 8-time punchpassers, your registration is complete upon (i) payment plus (ii) online registration for the classes you plan to join. This is because space is limited and in order to ensure that the amount of class passes sold reflects the space available, it is necessary that you sign up for all classes you plan to join. Otherwise people will assume that there is still capacity and purchase a class pass even if there might not be enough space to accomodate all each and every week. I am aware that you might not yet be able to decide on all classes you will be joining. Still, register already now for the amount of classes you payed for and re-register at a later stage when your personal schedule becomes clearer. Any questions or queries? Please contact me!


Yoga should be accessible to everybody! If for whatever reason you can’t afford a regular practice but would love to give it a try,

please talk to me – we’ll find a way!

Payment in several installments possible!

Contact me!


Payment by

  • card

  • bank transferal (account 97 22 52 28 071)

  • vipps (vipps number is 12 86 28)

  • or cash.

personal gift
personal gift

The winter block 2018 starts soon, on Oct 18th! Until then you are welcome to join on a drop-in basis or try a free trial class if you are new!

October 18th to December 13th



Drop-in for 180kr per class.

FLATRATE for the eager ones!

Join as many classes as you like for 1900kr.

The winter block 2018 starts on Thursday, October 18th and finishes on Thursday, December 13th.

The block consists of 9 Cosy Flows on Thursdays (4:00 to 5:15pm) at the International School Stavanger, 8 Evening Flows (7:00 to 8:30pm) at the studio in town, Kongsgata 44, plus 2 more classes I am substituting at different locations (for details check the schedule). Moms-to-be can also join the 6-week Prenatal Flow on Wednesday (5:00 to 6:30pm).


Join any classes between October 18th and December 13th for the price of 920kr (=115kr per class)


Join any classes between October 18th and December 13th for the price of 700kr (=140kr per class)


Wednesday, 5:00 to 6:30pm (90 min)


780kr for the full pass of 6 classes (= 130,- per class)

180kr drop-in

The block consists of 6 classes on Wednesday evening, 5 to 6:30pm. We start November 7th and finish December 12th. Regular attendance is recommended for maximum benefit and effect. More details here. Please note that there are no free trial classes for the Prenatal Flow. You are welcome to try my free online pregnancy classes to get a taste of it :)

To register please write me directly at or call me at 94276641. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have :)

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850kr for a "standard" Vinyasa Flow class where no individual class preparation and prior anamnesis, identification of individual goals and needs are required. You receive 100% focus and corrections on the spot!

If you wish a personalised class, the price for the first class is 1300kr. The following classes come at a price of 850kr. The time it takes to prepare a class tailored to fit your personal goals, individual needs and medical condition accounts for the additional costs. Contact me if you are having any questions.

I offer free 30 minute trials. Please contact me for details and pricing.

Please contact me for details and pricing.

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